Are You...and Yet Not?
Sandy Brunson

There is a verse in 2 Corinthians which always gets my attention as I read it. Verse 5 definitely pulls on my heart as it plainly urges each of us as Christians to "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves Jesus Christ is in you?....UNLESS indeed you are disqualified ."

I do not want to be "disqualified" when I meet Jesus in Heaven, and I see that though may salvation has been paid for by the precious Blood of Jesus...and I can add NOTHING to that, I clearly have a "part to do" that only I can do before Him. And so part of my self examination is to ask myself the following questions.

Join me and examine your own heart and practices before our Righteous Lord who comes to "set things in Divine order" in our lives.

Are you washed in the blood…and yet not a disciple committed to follow Jesus?

Are you delivered from sin...and yet not disciplined to grow?

Are you justified by what He has done...and yet not sanctified by obedience to the Holy Spirit?

Are you boasting in salvation... and yet not submitting to His authority?

Are you fond of Jesus...and yet not giving Him loving obedience?

Are you attached to Jesus...and yet not abiding in Him?

Are you gathering information... and yet not allowing transformation?

Are you running here and there...and yet not finding Him in the secret place?

Are you seeking for encouraging "words" from other people... and yet not listening to His still small voice?

Are you only interested in God's blessings...and yet not obeying His commandments?

Are you wanting to find success through Jesus...and yet not willing to surrender all at His feet?

Are you only listening to what others say He said...and yet not asking Him to reveal Himself to you?

The answers to such questions reveal a major dividing line between those who know "about" Jesus and those who "know" Him. A true disciple of the Lord is a who makes every effort to live his or her life in the manner of spirit which Jesus lived His.

Disciples study to show themselves approved unto God, as workmen who need not to be ashamed. They rightly divide the Word of Truth and humbly and obediently bow to the Authority who is God Almighty on a daily basis. Disciples of Jesus Christ hunger and thirst after righteousness as a way of life. This is THE WAY of Jesus, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. Be holy as He is holy. Uphold Him in the practice and conduct of your life as a living sacrifice. It is our reasonable service!

2 Timothy 2:15 * Matthew 5:6 * John 14:6 * 1 Peter 1:15-16 * Romans 12:1

Looking unto Jesus,

Contact Sandy:

"Jesus Christ is the SAME...yesterday, today, and forever!" Hebrews 13:5

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