"Eye Of The Hurricane "

In a world where things have a tendency to be quite chaotic, it can seem as if our lives are never on an even plane, so many ups and downs. It can at times feel like a roller coaster. Before I came to know Christ as my Lord and Savior, I had a motto that I lived by which was as follows: " Always expect the unexpected", due to very bad and abusive circumstances I was in, I never knew what would come next. I came to know Christ in the midst of ALL this, Praise God! One evening as I sat at my dining room table, having a cup of coffee, the Spirit of the God brought back to my mind one particular hurricane I was in. It was awful , very frightening. I watched as huge tree's were uprooted by the force of the wind, live power wires were down in the flooded streets, as people tried to get inside to safety, 3 lost their lives in the process, it was so sad. I kept hearing people say " Oh God, I wish the eye would come over us" well at that time I had no idea what they meant, but God taught me something in that hurricane of so long ago. Life is full of a variation of storms and in these difficult times, sometimes we see no way out, or don't know where to run and find shelter. No matter how large or how small the storm, if we will but make our way to the "Eye" ( Jesus ) the one who calms ALL storms. Abiding in that shelter of the Almighty, no harm will come near us. Psalm 91. Jesus IS our Peace and our deliverer from ALL storms of life. He will never leave us to fend for ourselves, all we need to do is RUN into that "Secret Place" and his wings will protect us. Many would say," But, that's you Pastor, you don't understand this situation we are in. It is irrelevant as to the kind of storm or situation we are in. He is always the same. He is the way. Therefore, we must labor to stay in that place of rest in Christ, then, it makes no difference what unexpected things come, because we are in the shelter of the Almighty. Hid in Christ. When I was shown this, it really impacted my life, even after all this time. God has shown himself so faithful in every area of my life. I was lead to share this in the hopes it will be an encouragement to you as well. Our God is no respecter of persons, what he does for one of his children, he will do for all. Therefore my brothers and sisters, no matter what your Hurricane may be right now, there is a place of Peace and serenity to go, run into the "Eye of the Hurricane" which is Christ Jesus Our Lord. May God Richly Bless and Keep you In Jesus Name!

Pastor Deb
The article above was written by Pastor Deborah Covington Hobkirk

You can contact Pastor Deb at:

Living For God Ministries
1153 Rendall St
Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
Phone: 318 834 5149

Email: pastordeborah@livingforgodministries.org

Take some time to visit her website:
Living For God Ministries

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