Intimacy with the Father
What Does God Desire of You?
What does God desire of you, my friend? God longs to see Jesus in you. He desires that your life would be the visible expression of Jesus. He longs to see our lives reflect the Glory of God. He longs for us to be filled with the 'fullness of Himself'.
Remember in Ephesians 3:16 the Apostle Paul bowed his knees before the Father and prayed:
"May God grant you out of the rich treasury of His Glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the Holy Spirit Who indwells your innermost being and personality."
The Father desires to strengthen us inwardly by the power of His Spirit so that we will die to our flesh (our desires) and so that our desires will become like the will of Jesus. Jesus while on earth had one desire and that was to be in subjection to His Father. God desires that we have that same desire.
Vs 17 says "May Christ through your faith actually be able to dwell and make His permanent home in your heart!"
Friend, God desires to see Jesus in you. He wants to work mightily in you so that Christ has complete control over your heart, will and emotions. The rest of the verse says, "May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on His love!" Jesus so loves you and He so longs to be One with you! God is not going to rest until you surrender your heart, your will, and your emotions to Him. He so longs for you to experience the fullness of the Spirit that belongs to you!
My heart is so burdened with the realization that we have lived so far below what God has actually always had in store for us. We live so far below this level that the 'world' hardly desires what we show by our lives that we have in Christ.
God's plan is that we live a full and abundant live that is filled with the riches of God, filled with His Love, Joy, and Peace. Lives that radiate Jesus and all that He Is! We must be taught that we have to die (let go) of our desires and choose to long for God. We are going to need to experience this kind of a life. Just to tell others about Jesus and not live this 'Victorious Life" that is filled with Jesus and all that He is and all that He has for us, will have little effect on the world today.
Does your life radiate Jesus? Does God see Jesus reflected in you? Have you experienced the Love of God, the Joy of the Lord, the Peace that passes understanding? This is part of what the 'fullness of God' is. There is so much more! But do we even have these basic things in our life?
Why not bow your knee before the Father today and ask Him to perfect you and make you be what He intended for you to be? Oh, how He loves and longs for you and me!
Sandra Thompson
Arizona Revival Ministries
PO Box 16622
Phoenix, AZ 85011