Who I Am in Christ - Part II
"It is written, my Heavenly Father says..."
1 Cor. 1:2                                             I am a sanctified saint in Jesus Christ

1 Cor 1:4                                              I have been given the grace of God in Christ Jesus

1 Cor 1:5                                             In everything I am enriched in HIm

1 Cor 1:7                                              I am not lacking in any spiritual gift

1 Cor 1:9                                              I am called into fellowship with Jesus Christ my Lord

1 Cor 1:30                                          I am in Christ Jesus who give me wisdom, righteousness,

1 Cor 2:16                                            I have the mind of Christ

1 Cor 3:9                                              I am God's fellow-worker, I am God's field, God's building

1 Cor 3:16                                            I am a temple of God in which the Spirit of God indwells

1 Cor 3:17                                            I am a holy temple of God

1 Cor 3:21,22                                      All things belong to me, as I belong to Christ

1 Cor 6:17                                            I am one spirit with Christ

1 Cor 6:19                                            My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in me

1 Cor 6:20                                            I have been bought with a price

1 Cor 7:22                                            I am Christ's slave

1 Cor 15:52                                          I will be raised from the dead imperishable

1 Cor 15:53                                         I will put on immortality                  

sanctification, and redemption
Scriptures complied by Book of Hope International
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                                  Magate, Fl     33068

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